Monday 31 December 2012

A different kind of STEAMY....

With the New Year upon us, so many people are spending the last hours of 2012 making their list of New Year's resolutions. Two items high on most people's list is to spend more quality time with their life partner, and to get back into shape.

Sure it might be tempting to eat an entire box of chocolates, splurge on a romantic dinner or skip the gym in favor of a movie while trying to increase the amount of time you spend with your partner, but you don’t have to let your love life derail your plans to get fit this year. With our workout ideas for couples, you and your partner can spend quality time together while you stay on track to reaching your fitness goals.

No need to become training widows and  training widowers.  Why not train together?

The Benefits of Exercising with Your Partner
The two of you may be at different fitness levels and have different goals, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise together. There are plenty of reasons to give it a try:

  • Safety. With someone else watching your form and being there to spot you when you need it, you’ll exercise more safely than if you were alone. Besides, who cares more about your safety than your soulmate?
  • Quality time. Couples spend most of their time apart due to careers and other responsibilities. Instead of hitting the gym alone, attend a Rayton Boot Camp class together.You’ll reach your fitness goals, without sacrificing that one-on-one time that every partnership needs.
  • A common interest. Add exercise to your list of shared interests and hobbies. The possibility for new, unique activities is endless and keeps things exciting. You can never have too much in common.
  • Motivation and support. Getting encouragement and praise from your partner is one of the best motivators. It’ll help both of you remain consistent and take care of one another.
  • A deeper bond. Exercise produces chemicals in the brain that evoke feelings of happiness, reduce stress, and also increase arousal and libido. Several studies show that men and women who exercise regularly report better (and more frequent) sex with their partners.
  • Respect and pride. Taking care of your body and your health shows the person you care about that you want to be your best for them—and that you want to be around for years to come.
  • Balance. In many couples, one partner tends to favor cardio (typically women) while the other tends to favor strength training (typically men). By  attending Rayton Boot Camp working out together you can balance your workout program to include more of both. 

Excercise Idea: THE LEG LIFT

Tight hamstrings can lead to lower back pain and are common in runners and people who work at a desk all day. Limber up with this stretch that you can do against a wall.

TARGET MUSCLES: hamstrings

1. Ladies, stand with your back against a wall and raise one leg up as high as you can. Guys, crouch down and grab her leg.

2. Rest it on your shoulder and slowly stand up until she feels a mild stretch. Perform three sets of 30-second holds, switching legs and then partners after each set.

TIP 1: Ladies, if you can’t hold his leg up, have your man lie on the floor and push his leg back toward his face.

TIP 2: For a deeper stretch, actively try to raise your leg up while your partner is lifting it.

Interested?? Why not join our special couples work outs on a Wednesday??

For more information please email: or phone 074 120 0279

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